We had a blast in Roca Partida!

This is our first liveaboard ever and we have so much fun. We were lucky to encounter silky and white-tipped sharks everywhere, chevron & black mantas with Uriel, friendly dolphins with Pedro, ¡¡¡hammerheads school!!! with Mari, silver pampano orgy with Dani (and his special manta) … The crew is incredible, we feel very safe thanks to the great Capi, really loved learning about Manta 101, Dani knows how to share his passion 🙂 Kudos to the chef for his unbelievable cuisine, we are going to miss his delicious dishes. And thanks Annie for taking such good care of us during the whole trip. Loved our “interview” with Mirko and Rocky´s help and smile on the skiff. We had a blast, maybe next time, we meet in Roca Partida 😉
Muchas gracias para todo,

Aurelie and Dimitri

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