Dolphins, Mantas, Sharks, and more!

We just had the most amazing experience this morning, a true world-class dive. When we dropped in, four dolphins swam up to us and checked us out from just a couple feet away, and then we had mantas hanging out with us most of the dive. It is really special how the mantas in Socorro approach you, then slow down and make eye contact with you. I had heard the mantas were special in Socorro, and I now understand it.
And then the most incredible thing happened… when we finished the dive, we surfaced, and Captain Gordon was in the skiff radio’ing with the other skiffs, who had spotted a pod of false killer whales. We headed that direction, and jumped in twice. As soon as I dropped into the water, I saw the pod of false killer whales right under me, singing and swimming together, just feet away. They were clearly curious and didn’t run away, but swam slowly ahead. It was an amazing experience, and afterwards we were all giving each other hi-fives in the water, astounded at what had just happened. So special!!

Yesterday’s dives at Roca Partida were also really beautiful. The fourth dive was late afternoon with magic hour light. The water was very calm and a tranquil deep blue surrounding the remote pinnacle coming straight from the bottom of the ocean. We saw a group of about 25 whitetip reef shark swimming in a big school. And then there were big schools of
bonito, plus about 8 ginormous tuna, over 200 lbs each — bigger than a person — swimming really fast at the surface. There were also curious wahoo, tons of jack, some silkies, and Galapagos shark too. Overall, a really beautiful dive.


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