Wonderful Week at Socorro

How big is a big week? Is 20 mantas a big week or perhaps 30 white tipped reef sharks, or maybe if those sharks are mating? What about if some silky, silver tip and galapagos sharks arrives as well? Of course on any big week there has to be a few dolphins in the mix. A couple of tuna might also help. I think a truly big week is when you have all of these and some false killer whales to boot. That was today! We are halfway through our trip (4 days in) and are at Socorro (our first day here). We have already done the San Benedicto (Boiler) and Roca Partida. It is a crazy spot in the middle of nowhere that sticks out of the water. It is the top of a tower in 1000s of metres of water. The currents have been a bit cheeky but all manageable, the water cool but not freezing and the dive sites easy to access. We are banging out 3 or 4 dives a day only outnumbered by the number of meals, at 5 – 6. The mood on the boat is light but purposeful and the Boat Crew amazing
at keeping us full of food, nitrox, good cheer and energy. Today was also a milestone dive for me, one of the ones with a couple of zeros at the end. It is also one I will not forget quickly primarily due to the fact it was a Big Day in a Big Week! We only have 3 more to go and on present trajectory I expect it will be pretty amazing.


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