Socorro: Amazing Place to discover!

The ride out is worth it. Upon arrival its like diving a foreign planet, with strange life that is just as curious about you as you are of them. Come for the mantas alone. To see one eye to eye is a life changing experience. To see a few playing together is beyond words. Besides the stars of the show there are other impressive contenders and something for every diver. The geomorphology is almost lunar with interesting lava fingers that look barren at first but are surprisingly teeming with life. Schools of fish, large lobsters lounging, dolphins, nudibranchs are amongst the things you may find on your dive. The endemic species are beautifully colored in stark contrast to the lava rock. I have been to Galapagos and this is on par for me personally and easier diving compared to Wolf and Darwin. The staff here are delightful and the delicious food will keep you satiated and happy in-between dives. Don’t skip the presentations as the dive staff are truly knowledgeable and pass
ionate about this environment and are a wealth of knowledge. While I have many more places left to dive this will be one spot I will revisit.


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