Socorro: The Magical Place

I know than i haven’t write many personal blogs lately, but I’m getting back on track, to be honest I feel more motivated right now, and we went to The Canyon as first day, i don’t know but i love this place, love sharks and specially hammers, i have done the best dive of my life in this place, but don’t misunderstand me i love Revillagigedo and feel lucky to be working over here and in Nautilus Liveaboards, I never been in Baja before, working and apparently this is the best company to be working, everybody would like to be here, I mean professional divers in general, hard work, but always like to work like that I feel like its part of me, we are in the middle of the contract and this going to be my last contract of Revillagigedo season, I feel nostalgic to be honest, but pretty sure next season gonna be even better, because I know what to expect, and know the magical place we are.


By Nautilus Crew

Recent blogs and dive reports from the crew onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard's vessels.

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