Giant mantas all around, and dolphins playing at El Boiler

If there is one dive that will stick with me forever, it’s the dive at El Boiler. The dive started off with 8 giant mantas playing all around and coming to check us out, which was truly magical. In the morning we can always hope for are local bottlenose dolphins to come. After 20 minutes of exciting giant mantas all around, the dolphins showed up and came to play and interact with all of the divers. The Boiler was on fire!

During the first dive we didn’t know where to look. There was so much action – I was distracted by three mantas while a pod of dolphins tried to crash the party. The mantas got jealous but little did we know that a hammerhead shark also wanted to join the fun. It was so nice to hear that the divers had the best dive of their lives. It gave me joy to see their expressions when we surfaced. Some were speechless and others had tears in their eyes. What a day. Socorro is truly magical. 

– Peter, Dive Guide aboard the Belle Amie

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