Dive of a Lifetime with 50 Dolphins at Socorro Island

Location: Punta Tosca, Socorro Island, Revillagigedo Archipelago, Baja California, Mexico

Comments: Divemaster Sten reports that many of our guests had the dive of their lifetime today! A pod of dolphins showed up and hung around, coming in VERY close to the divers โ€“ right up to their masks apparently!! Dolphins reportedly โ€œleanedโ€ on the ascent line as well as โ€œstood straight upโ€ and presented themselves to divers for petting. The dophins came in groups of two and two and then as a family of 20.

Sten estimates that there were more than 50 dolphins interacting with the divers. I would have loved to have seen that. Oh yeah, Sten also reports that they saw a big tiger shark in 20 metres of water, a number of hammerhead sharks and a couple of mantas as well as all the regular fish commonly seen at Socorro Island. Sounds like an incredible day!!

โ€“Captain Mike


Weather: Low swell from the northwest, sunny, light winds.

Water: Water temperature 80ยฐF, visibility 100ft plus.

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