Guest Blog – Oct. 11/09

Though I didn‚t have any incidents with birds today, I did go down in the submersible cage for the first time.  Cleared the mask twice and used the backup air—just as a test of course!  No sharks seen though there were sightings 30 yards off from me while I was on the top of the cage. -Caroline
Ok Dude Trux took at a bird to 40‚. Ok a slow but amazing day seeing great whites. But a night petral (bird) found a home in our friend Trux‚s dry suit. On his first dive he felt off and was not sure what was going on with his suit but let it go. The first dive was a great experience seeing two great whites and our excitement for the second was encouraging. Trux in his preparation was having problems with getting his right foot in. After a second attempt he decided to reach down a have a look to see if a buddy had put a sock or something funny down there. What he found was a small night bird that had invaded his suit during the night and accompanied him on the first dive of the day. Let’s just say Œthe bird man of Guadelupe‚ did not take the bird on his second dive. Oh yea I saw a great white about 4‚ from the dive cage. Let’s just say I am still high on life, three hours later. Craig
Today I watched with sadness as the Birdman of Guadalupe took his first victim in a series of senseless violence.  Oh yeah, and I got up close and personal with Shredder and saw some amazing views of the island and the local pinnipeds (Guadalupe Fur, Elephant and California Sea Lions)  This place rocks and the crew is amazing!!! Jeff Rodensky
I got on top of the cage today.  What a blast.  Trouble is, it must have startled the sharks enough that they ran off.  I‚M SORRY EVERYONE.  Yesterday was better, and surely tomorrow will be again.  But you know, it‚s still a day spent diving, and that makes it great!  Jim

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