Today I got the chance to swim with sharks. I never thought I’d be the type of person to get in the water if I knew there were sharks swimming around but I have learned a lot more about sharks and decided that it was time to conquer my fear. I had only been in the water for maybe 5 minutes when a large oceanic white tip shark swam past. I watched in awe as the large shark passed by me. Only when it came back and then proceeded to circle me– did I feel fear. When it decided to swim up toward me, I wasn’t sure what to do and so I kept very very still. We maintained eye contact the shark and I and before things changed for the worse I moved quickly and aggressively toward the Oceanic white tip. It was then that the shark turned and swam away deciding that I was not worth checking out any further– what an amazing experience!!!
– Hostess Chris
Ceu azul e mar idem. Desde o amanhecer nao se ve nenhuma nuvem no ceu e o mar, a cada hora que passa, esta mais calmo e azul. A visibilidade esta excelente e a vida fervilhando na Roca Partida… Para finalizar, conseguimos fotografar duas baleias Jubarte, uma muito grande e outra filhote, ambas nadando com uma leveza que nao faz jus ao peso, medido em toneladas…
Humberto – Equipe Acquanauta
Aqui, no local, a vida passa como num filme…………..em "slow motion" com o voo magnifico das MANTAS, 15 minutos entretendo os mergulhadores extasiados……..em marcha normal com os golfinhos e baleais jubarte ao largo e durante todo o tempo………..acelerado ao som do tum-tum-tum-tum com a aproximacao dos Silks, Galapenhos de 3 metros, Silver-Tips, White Tips, Hammerheads……………digno de um OSCAR DOS MERGULHOS………….
Decio De Conti – Equipe Acquanautam com meus parceiros Rodrigo, Joao,e Luciano
We are almost at the end of our voyage it has been good so far. Better weather in the last two weeks. Although visibility has not been ideal, we are still spotting the hammerheads and dolphins at the canyon, and mantas at the boiler. First trip at Socorro island after one month closed by Mexican navy. Cabo Pierce, the divesite, was with mild current so we were able to see hammerhead sharks and snorkel with dolphins. Punta Tosca was really to bad for diving the first two dives but at the end two mantas made the day by swimming with us for the whole dive. Listening the whales singing at all the time. Roca was, as always, spectacular with galapagos shark,silver tips,hammerheads, and again some of the guest snorkel with whales. Good day. I really enjoyed diving with our guests from New Jersey and Brazil. Lots of good humour and fun.
Sunny today,no wind,warm on surface,water temperature 22 C with some thermo at 110ft,visibility 18 mts.
DM Pedro Cervantes