It is a day of contrasts, last night at Socorro Island we had a torrential downpour with sheet lightning and water strikes within 5 miles and it went on well into the night. I had turned and disconnected all the wheel house electronics on the Nautilus Explorer for fear of a lightning strike… this morning we rise to an almost clear sky and a brilliant sunrise. Our couple of guest who were under the weather yesterday feeling a bit seasick are up and cheery this morning.
Sea state this morning has wind 5 NE and the water is rippled with a long 13 sec NW swell of 4-6′ along with a shorter and smaller set coming from the NE maybe 2-3′ 8-9 seconds. overall conditions are better today. guests are starting to get ready for the first morning dive shortly.
Last night we had a birthday party for one of the mexican guests. Anyways we all had fun and it was a good way to end the day. Giant mantas three of four dives, hammerheads but the rest of the sharks were in short supply . Some silvertips and whitetips but on the dive I didn’t see silkies or galapagos. Dolphins did a good job of making up for that as we saw them on three dives today with some amazing interaction between three of the guests and one animal that came up and basically laid in the water with a diver for 15 minutes literally inches away. So a pretty decent day in the salt mines and lots of happy campers. No other new problems or deficiencies to report.
All for now,
All else is good, no new problems to report.