Today participated in two dives at Socorro Island. The first was Cabo Pierce, and we went to 90 feet. Due to the current we all went down on a line to the anchor at 65 feet heading east we went to an area of rock formations to watch for sharks. Hammerhead sharks were seen in addition to Galapagos shark and both white tip and black tip. We also saw several groups of fish including the Clarion Angel, parrott fish, butterfly, and red tailed triggerfish. On the second dive close to shore, we saw several puffer fish, Trumpet fish, and a large lobster, The Nautilus Explorer is a really great dive boat and the staff is excellent. They have corrected a lot of equipment problems and have made our stay extremely pleasant. The food is wonderful. Each day so far we have seen numerous Humpback whales calves, and have seen them breaching. They have been all around us. We went on a whale watch getting great views the the whales and calves and have even seen the calves playing with dolphins. The weather and seas have been wonderful. It‚s been very smooth sailing so far. We just had the Mexican Navy board our boat (pre-arranged)to check our passport. Two days on a boat with no phones, no faxes, TV or beepers. A touch of heaven. Cabo San Lucus is a very pretty area to spend some time. Until next time- Mike