Mind blowing, never seen anything like it; hundreds of sharks from white tips, silvertips, silkies to Galapagos and one hammerhead. Then there were the fish, never seen so many, huge schools of criole, huge black jacks, redtail trigger fish, massive shoals of cottonmouth and some kind of mackerel. The best dive of my life!!
– Suzi
Another amazing trip on board the NAUTILUS EXPLORER! Five days of Socorro diving proved to be very rewarding. The Silky, Galapagos, Silvertips and even the Hammer heads were at the rendez-vous. What should also be said and repeated is that the whole crew of the Nautilus Explorer is just amazing. They make your trip pleasant, exciting and the food. The very best live aboard crew I have ever had!
– Kurt & Manuel
San Bendicto Mais um dia incrivel em Socorro, novamente com o presente da ter as mantas voando sobre nos com sua delicadeza indescretivel. A pesar de seus de 6m de envereadura. Um dia penfeito para o fim de mossa viagem!
– Ricardo Gloria
It was a great pleasure diving with the guests on board the NAUTILUS EXPLORER this trip! After a slow first day the rest of the week proved to be amazing!! We came mighty close to Galapagos and Silky sharks at Roca Partita, while the Mantas at San Benedicto decided to introduce us to their new swimming partners (DOLPHINS)!!!!! twelve to be exact?. Another fourteen hours to go and we will be arriving in Cabo San Lucas, what a memorable trip!
– Divemaster Colten