We thought we were going to be really scared when we saw our first great white shark but the experience was entirely different. SO COOL!

Nosso primeiro dia foi simplesmente incrivel!!! Fiz 4 mergulhos na gaiola submersivel e 1 na gaiola de superficie. Fui a primeira a entrar na agua as 6:30 da manha, e assim que entrei ja avistei um enorme tubarao branco vindo em minha direcao!! O curacao dispara!!! Eles sao enormes!!! Nos mergulhos seguintes vi 4 tubaroes juntos e no ultimo haviam 7 tubaroes rodeando nossa gaiola!!! Nao da para descerever muito o quao legal e‚!! Alem da super atracao que sao os mergulhos, a tripulacao e‚ maravilhosa!! Todos super gentis e prestativos. No final do dia para completar ainda tomei um banho de Jacuzzi que o barco tem instalada no deck superior, maravilha, nada melhor do que encerrar o dia numa Jacuzzi, por do sol, cerveja gelada e em volta de gente feliz!!
– Katia Fernandes
The first day was so amazing! We were both thinking we would be scared, but we weren’t scared at all! We were the first ones in the 30 feet cages at 8 am. We got to see 3 white sharks that came really close to the cages. They were super curious about us in there, but we never felt threatened. Great experience, with a great dive schedule all day; time to eat drink and reheat in the spa before your next dive. We didn’t really get cold until the 3rd and 4th dive of the day. We both wore 3mm shorties and our 7mm suits with a hood. By the last dives we saw up to 5 sharks around us. SO COOL! The crew is so friendly and helpful. The food is awesome. We are having a great time and can’t wait to come back someday with the rest of our families!!
– Lexi Warren & Laura Kiker

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