Dive Report, Nautilus Belle Amie

One thing you learn diving in revillagigedo is to never think your dive is over. Even after 50 minutes playing with 2 mantas, and a pod of 10 dolphins coming so close you could almost touch them while they stand just a feet of you, looking at you. Then you come up to do your safety stop, and you are drifting in the blue, you can see all your divers with sparkles in their eyes, signing their excitement to each other. Even then, at the end of the dive, keep your eyes wandering around. You never know what surprise will come from the blue: another playful manta saying goodbye as you go up the inflatable, a wahoo or 2 curiously swimming around you, an inquisitive silky shark or like last dive in Cabo pearce, a big 9feet tiger shark coming straight from the deep to take a peak at us! Magic is never over in revillagigedo

Divemaster Yann, Belle Amie

By Nautilus Crew

Recent blogs and dive reports from the crew onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard's vessels.

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