WHALE SHARKS at Los Islotes! What a surprise for our guests on the Gallant lady, when on the last dive of the last day a Whaleshark swam up to them while they were playing with the sealions of los islotes! We had been playing all day long around this little islet that is one of the biggest Californian sealions colony in the south of the Sea of Cortez and also a nursery. As soon as you jump in, you are surrounded by dozens of sea lions and, as the mother go out fishing sometimes for days, the pups are left on their own, just like kids after school, and they spend the day playing with each other and of course, with the divers! Get ready to get your fins nibbled, young sea lions looping and doing acrobatics all around you. Cheeky little furry guys will even get close enough to pet you! They are absolutely incredible. And in the middle of that show, a whale shark appeared and passed slowly by the divers! What a day!
Mate Yann onboard NGL