The Best Version Of ‘Eat, Sleep, Dive, Repeat’ I’ve Ever Experienced

I can’t believe the trip is already coming to an end, ten days flew by! It was ten days of the best version of ‘eat, sleep, dive, repeat’ I’ve ever experienced, but so much more than that too. The diving and marine life were mind-blowing, if I could’ve pinched myself through my 7mm wetsuit I would have, there were so many times it didn’t feel real. Friendly giant mantas just as curious about us as we were about them. Cheeky dolphins dancing with us until they disappeared into the deep. Schooling hammerheads, too many to count. We even saw a whale shark, the gentle, graceful, giant. The divemasters were wonderful, I always felt safe. They were passionate experts in pointing out and teaching us about marine life. The food was fantastic and all of the crew was extremely hard working, always keeping us happy. Thank you, Nautilus, for keeping this trip running amidst the pandemic, I felt completely safe with all protocols taken extremely seriously. This will certainly be the highlight of my 2020 and 2021 – it was the trip of a lifetime!

  • Lisa Maus, onboard the Nautilus Belle Amie.

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