Looking at Sharks Never Gets Old

Today we spent the day at Roca Partida. We had a nice day of diving and the conditions were perfect. There was a little current but all round, the ocean was calm and clear. 

On our second dive, my group asked if we could stay in one place and watch the dive site go by. And that’s what we did. It was amazing to see the dive site become alive with motion. We spent the whole dive on the shark cleaning station on the north point of Roca Partida which was awesome. Silver tip sharks kept coming in to get cleaned by the barber fish. We also had some big Galapagos sharks get really close to us. Looking at sharks never gets old.

Let’s see what the rock brings us for tomorrow.

  • Divemaster Stein onboard the Nautilus Belle Amie

By Nautilus Crew

Recent blogs and dive reports from the crew onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard's vessels.

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