I Don’t Remember Such an Incredible Dive in My Life!

So, we finally arrived at Socorro area and we are ready for the first β€œserious” dive. We did a beautiful check dive but now we are ready to hit the water on the β€œboiler”: one of the most iconic dives of the pacific area. The briefing was clear: β€œif you find yourself in the blue you won’t be able to get back to the rock and you have to call the dive”. β€œAll ready? On the count of three” one, two, three, JUMP!” Everything becomes silent, after a second I recognize the rock and I start to swim gently in its direction. An enormous shadow is coming from my right: it’s a giant manta, followed by another three. They approach me and start to swim around as playing with us is the most interesting thing they can do today. I start taking pictures: it’s so emotional and uncommon that all my concentration is on my camera.

I can hear the screams of the rest of the group so I start looking in their direction and I see that they are surrounded by dolphins! I can’t believe it, there are four dolphins that are making a sort of show in front of them: they stayed all together in a vertical position, then they flip around and they return exactly in the same previous position. It looks like we are in one of those dolphins show that I always avoided but here we are not sitting on benches, we are in the water with them! They stay with us for at least 15 min and then they disappear leaving the show to some hammerheads sharks, Galapagos sharks, massive schools of jacks… all over you look you can see incredible marine life: I’m barely on the first dive and I’ve seen what I supposed to see in the entire cruise!

I don’t remember such an incredible dive in my life!

On the surface, we are recovered by the zodiac guided by the staff. All the personnel is amazing: always smiling, attentive, gentle… super professionals! A unique experience which I’ll repeat for sure!

  • Yme Sarsana, Italy onboard the Nautilus Under Sea

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