This Was the Coolest I’ve Ever Seen in Roca Partida!

As soon as we entered the water, there was a gigantic school of Bonitas beneath us. This was the coolest I’ve ever seen Roca Partida! Schools of jacks everywhere. Cotton-mouth jacks and Big-eyed jacks as far as you could see. Tons and tons of white tips at the one corner, where the cleaning station was, swimming and looking like they were “falling” in the water with their mouths wide open. Silver tips circle the corner. Giant Chevron mantas came to visit several times. At one time, we watched three mantas circling in front of us! The surge took us up and down between five and ten feet. The same currents that brought in so much life stirred up the warm and cooler waters near the corner creating a chilly thermocline at the cleaning station. Three or four giant yellowfin tuna zoomed by above. Descending to about 105 to 110 feet to take pics of the white tips cuddling together on a shelf on the wall, they quickly scurried away. Finally, we rounded the far corner and went to the other side of the big rock. There were tons more shelves with the white tips hanging out together, some really small like babies and others normal size. In one crack, there was a huge moray eel with several white tips lying together in a stack and the eel lying above them looking down. At the end of the dive, chops at the safety stop were nibbling at our heads- mine through my hood and my buddy on his hair!

  • Lisa, Ohio, onboard the Nautilus UnderSea

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