What Else Could You Wish For

Beautiful weather the entire trip, as good as the Pacific Ocean can get. The water temperature is around 24 Celsius and has some light to moderate current here and there. Don’t misunderstand current is a good thing in the Archipelago de Revillagigedo aka Socorro, it brings some animals closer to the dive sites. We had it all during this trip, some game-changing moments for some guests. We saw all the smaller shark species that Revi has to offer, we had Dolphin interaction twice this trip and obviously, we had friendly Mantas almost every dive… guess what some of our guests even saw a Humpback underwater, and that out of the whale season. Excellent diving, pivoting moments of your life, amazing group of people, new friendships, positivity over the whole trip, what else could you wish for.
It’s one of the coolest things in the world to work on the Nautilus Belle Amie and do Revillagigedo dive expeditions.

  • Divemaster Pascal onboard the Nautilus Belle Amie

By Nautilus Crew

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