Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2022-05-12

Location: Cabo Pearce

Weather: Clear Skies, N Wind (12-14kts), Calm Seas

Yesterday we did our last dive in Punta Tosca, a very quiet dive, with one chevron manta for a few minutes, one lonely hammerhead and the usual reef life, after dive we moved to do the check-in the navy, anchored at Cabo Pearce and after dinner we did the silky snorkel, first time for us there weren’t any silky sharks, we didn´t saw any shark yesterday.

Today we start diving at 0730, incredible first dive, conditions were no current, dive 1 we saw around eight different mantas, all the time, a small pod of bottlenose dolphins, and a big pod of false killer whales just passed fast over the divers, almost all of them could see the false killer whales, a few hammerheads, Galapagos. Second dive, light current to the E, one or two mantas were there all the dive, one Galapagos shark, some hammerheads. We have two more dives to do here to finish this amazing trip.

Water temperature: 76°F

Visibility: 65ft

  • Captain Gilberto

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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