Amazing Diving Experience at Roca Partida and Socorro Island

When you go diving at Roca Partida and a host of surrounding places, you will never stop feeling amazed at the plenty of sea life around you, everything that you have always wanted to see up close.

Let’s check out some of the places where we had an unforgettable time, especially when we came across a school of Hammerhead sharks of 100 individuals. It was a sight for the Gods, a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Diving at Cabo Pierce

Great day diving at Cabo Pearce. Cabo Pierce is Manta place and we had our fill. There was very good Manta action within the cleaning station. The black Mantas were arriving from the blue right next to the divers. We were up close to Black Mantas and Chevron Mantas during the entire dive, and as a bonus, we saw a bunch of bottlenose dolphins swimming gracefully along the reef.
There were 3 consecutive dives at Cabo Pierce with the second dive being particularly spectacular. We saw 8 mantas, 5 chevrons and 3 black ones. Also, it was here that we came across a school of around 100 Hammerheads. The weather has been very gentle and we had a great time.

Diving at Socorro Island

The Socorro Island trip went great and it was a wonderful dive. On our dives, we have seen a lot of dolphins, sharks, and mantas but what stole our hearts was the sight of several whales passing by while we were sitting in the sun on the dive deck. The crew was wonderful, going above and beyond, and clearly exceeding our expectations.

Other places

Overall, this has been a wonderful trip. At El Canyon, we saw lots of Hammerheads and huge Galapagos, and silver tips within the cleaning station. Punta Tosca was an exceptional dive where we came across Pacific Giant Mantas and a bunch of bottlenose dolphins!
Diving at Roca Partida deserves a special mention as we were in close quarters with big yellowfin tunas and lots of sharks, Galapagos, silvertips, and a bunch of 30 to 50 silky sharks. The Boiler, though, was rough, the water temperature was a bit cold at 73 F, and the visibility was 5 m. But even then, we found 3 to 4 Mantas at the eastern cleaning station, a beautiful black manta, and 2 chevron mantas Chevron.
We came back to El Canyon and had a lot of fun with Galapagos sharks, black and chevron mantas, and more hammerheads! During most of our dives, the average water temperature was a reasonable 75 F, and the visibility 15m to 24m. We found rough seas in Roca Partida and the Boiler and a strong wind at Cabo Pearce and El Canyon. But we had an amazing trip anyways!

By Nautilus Crew

Recent blogs and dive reports from the crew onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard's vessels.

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