Manta Action at Cabo Pearce!

Now we are in Socorro, and we are diving Punta Tosca. We did three dives because we had to stop by the Navy base for inspection. The inspector said we are good to go! To continue our adventure tomorrow at Cabo Pearce.
Today Punta Tosca was good on the first dive for one of the groups, because we saw one friendly black manta, who stayed with us for more than 40 minutes! Amazing!
The second dive we explore the inner part of the reef and diving was nice and mellow. Lots of fish and some small creatures like an octopus, lobsters and a nudibranch! We saw a couple of mantas, one stayed with us during the safety stop. The third dive was a little slow, we were waiting for mantas to show up, and we were not very lucky. We saw a couple just passing by, didn’t stay with us.
Tomorrow we are looking for more manta action at Cabo Pearce!
Tonight we have chocolate cake for Gaby’s birthday!!!
Happy birthday Gaby!
Congratulations Daryll for your 700 dive today!

Pablo Dive Guide

By Nautilus Crew

Recent blogs and dive reports from the crew onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard's vessels.

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