Mind Blowing Experience at Socorro!

What a day we had at Roca Partida. The ocean looked like a swimming pool. Not a wave around us. Clear water and lots and lots of animals. White tip and Silver tip Sharks all day long. Even a Mantas showed up.
But the most amazing thing of the day happened on the third dive. We were swimming around the south corner and a Humpback Whale decides to swim right next to the rock. I though to myself what a lucky day. But I could not imagine what was about to happen. When we rounded the north corner I looked up and all of a sudden. A Humpback mom and calf decided to swim by and check us out. She swam as close as 10 meters away from us. Mind-blowing. The guest in my group could not believe what just happened. So far we have been very lucky on this trip. Let see what we get tomorrow.

Stein Dive Guide

By Nautilus Crew

Recent blogs and dive reports from the crew onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard's vessels.

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