Great Interactions with marine Life at Socorro!

First day of diving at San Benedicto.
We had a very good day. Starting with our checkout dive we got to see a juvenile dolphin and his mother that played with us. Later during the day we had the chance to see two mantas, individual hammerhead sharks, big adult and some juvenile galapagos sharks. Also silver tips and white tips. In one of the dives a hammerhead came very close to us and we witnessed when she catch a small creole fish. During our last dive we also found a massive school of skip jacks followed by some galapagos sharks and a big oceanic black tip.
Was a very good day. For some of the divers on my group was their first time seeing hammerhead sharks, mantas and oceanic black tip.
Tomorrow … Roca Partida!

Juan David, Dive Guide

By Nautilus Crew

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