Socorro Island, San Benedicto and Roca Partida was epic!

Dear Future Guests of Nautilus Explorer,
As we stepped foot on the boat, the captain and crew greeted us with open arms and warm friendly smiles. Each crew member made each guest feel special and focused on building personal connections. Pascal was our dive master for several dives and made us feel comfortable and safe as new certified divers. He encouraged us to enjoy and have fun with each experience. Celia, Carmen, Yann, Feli, Manu, Rod, Luis, Edson Diego and the captains (Gordon and Manuele, Gerardo) exceeded our expectations. Their passion for marine life and conservation was super impressive. The diving at Socorro Island, San Benedicto and Roca Paritida was epic! Do not miss this trip! The interactions with the mantas, hammerheads, dolphins and other shark species is unforgettable and experience of a lifetime.

Joelle, Sara and Linda – Phoenix, Arizona

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