Every dive was a dive of a lifetime; manta encounters, dolphins, and schools of hammerheads and silvertips.

We are now starting the last trip of the Socorro season for the mighty Where’s John, aka Belle Amie and the conditions are exceptional: smooth ride all the way from Cabo San Lucas, with the sky full of stars above our heads. Last week was amazing: from countless mantas encounters on all the dive sites, to cheeky interactions with dolphins, being immersed in the school of hammerhead, coming face to face with the impressive tiger sharks and getting dizzy in the sharknados of white tips at Roca Partida – it had it all. Everyday was a dive of a lifetime, the next day bringing another one to top it. Our divers left with big smiles and an irresistible wish to come back. They told me they want more, more of the diving of course, and also of the amazing service from our crew, the attention of the hostesses in every detail, the knowledge and cheering energy of our Dive Guides, and the culinary talent of our chef Julio. Hope to see you very soon onboard! 🙂
-Yann, Mate

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