Captain’s Noon Reports – UnderSea – 2022-03-15

By the end of the second dive, they had a school of at least 50 hammerheads, but before that when they got in the water a pod of dolphins came around on the surface no one saw them underwater but the story goes that I was thinking they were all dolphins but as they came closer I could see that round head, FALSE KILLER WHALES!!! I am giving a wild guess but I think they were after one of the dolphins, sad but is just nature.

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Exceeded My Expectations in Every Way!

Our diving trip to Socorro island with the Nautilus Gallant Lady was amazing – exceeded my expectations in every way! Although we had to reschedule our travel plan due to an unexpected storm coming from the south, we spent the first two days in Magdalena bay snorkeling with Marlins, humpback whales, and dolphins. It was amazing to get such a great opportunity and it was totally worth the delay! Those followed by three full days of diving in San Benedicto, Socorro Island, and Roca Partida.

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