Snorkeling with the pilot Whales was a beautiful experience. At any moment anything exciting could happen.
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Snorkeling with the pilot Whales was a beautiful experience. At any moment anything exciting could happen.
Read MoreIf you Google Socorro or Revillagigedo, you will undoubtedly see hundreds of blogs, photos, and videos of the incredibly diverse scuba diving opportunities uniquely available at the four islands that make up this Archipelago.
Read MoreIt is the way of Nature that the strong prevail over the comparative weak. A whale is one of the largest creatures on earth but when it is up against a pod of orcas, one of the fiercest predators on the planet, there is a bloody end to the episode with the orcas emerging clear winners.
Read MoreSeeing orcas up close is so exhilarating that you need to often pause to catch your breath and marvel at these magnificent creatures of the ocean. Powerful and majestic, they invoke a feeling of humility in you as you see them roaming the vast oceans. My trip aboard the Nautilus Gallant Lady fulfilled all my […]
Read MoreWhile planning for our honeymoon, we wanted to do something special that would not only be a relaxing and great experience but also be in tune with our interests.
Read MoreAs soon as we arrived, whale came to our boat and we got to interact with them. They allowed us to touch them, rub them and kiss them. This went on for about 20 minutes until they decided that they had enough of us and started swimming away.
Read MoreIt was an active morning as a mother and baby pair approached our boat. We had wonderful interaction, they kept coming to us for a while and the baby was opening its mouth, giving us beautiful baby whale smiles.
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