The second dive of the day got off to an unexpected start. Dive master Dan appears beside me wide eyed and excited pointing at something in the distance. He clawed at the ocean with both hands and made the Shark signal. I thought it was a Great White, but it turns out it was a large Tiger Shark. Quickly we swam directly for the wall thinking OH MY GOD we just saw a Tiger Shark! AND then a Giant Manta swam right over my head, I turned onto my back, as the manta slowly swam over me just inches away, then it was gone.
Alex: today was another amazing diving day. we arrived at Socorro Island and made 3 dives. the first one was with a current of 4 knots down a line and was not optimal however we managed to see mantas and a huge pregnant tiger shark. The second dive of the day was absolutely incredible. we were dropped off the at the tip of the island and started our decent int the most amazing blue. A few minutes after we encountered hundreds of hammerhead sharks (a huge school), drifting in the current. After this encounter, we got back to the canyon finished up the dive with 3 very friendly mantas that tried their best to keep us there.