This two first days in San benedictos canyon was…ashy! The vizibility went down to some times 10ft!!! we went around trying to find clearer water the first day, but it was all the same. Probably cause last weeks bigger waves that have ripped down the volcanic ash from San Benedicto Island which last erupted in 1952. We could see a hammer head shark..and it was gone, we could see a giant manta ray .and it was gone, and hear dolphins and hump back whales. And the humpback whales gave us a show at least on the surface!
Next day we took Nautilus Explorer to the Boiler and the viz was great..but then no animals, not a single manta and one hammerhead. The best dive we did this two days was probably last dive a bit more away of canyon on a new discovered cleaning site. We got loads of fish and whitetipa and mantas was seen at the surface but not under water.
Well honest to say it was one of the worst results I had from dear San Ben.
We are back after two months as the Socorro island was closed. It was nice to recognice the faces from the officer from the Navy and see how things has been down here. After the inspection we headed for Cabo Pearce.
And it was giving a lot to us as well from hard current to none. and 4 spieces of sharks whitetip , silvertip, galapagos and hammerheads sharks. A giant manta finally came up and went nose to nose with the divers. But the most spectacular was this group of 6 bottlenose dolphins spinning around us and watching us disapearing and coming back again. In a moment the just stayed still and went face to face to us that close that we could admire their beautiful eyes and tiny sping of its pupil. the colour of its eye is hazelnut redish couloured with a lot of kind of wrinkels..very had to describe but it hits you when you discover it. Not often you have the chance to investigate an eye of a wild dolphin, i never will get tired of them! Diveguide Sten
Surface condition: windy mostly sunny and not bad chop. 30 C
Underwater condition: Viz 15-25m up to 90 ft. temp 24C Lots to none current.
—————– GUEST BLOG ——————-
We have been to San Benedicto and did the Canyon and the Boiler. Animal life has not been kind to us, but we have seen giant Mantas, hammerhead sharks, and white tip sharks underwater and plenty of humpback whales above water. The Boiler was very exciting, and dealing with the surge was exciting. The last dive of the day featured Sten (the Dude) playing Pied Piper. Hard to describe but it worked. This dive also featured new dive computer going on vacation while underwater.
Jeannette, keep up the therapy in Chicago.
Dos primeros dias en San Benedicto. Estan ahi, estan todos ahi: las mantas, los tiburones, los delfines y las ballenas. El problema es que es mas facil verlos desde el barco que desde el agua. Que visibilidad tan mala. El segundo dia estuvimos en The Boyler; mucha mejor visibilidad, pero los animales fueron esquivos. La resaca y el oleaje ayudaron a que todo fuera mas divertido. La parada de seguridad y la vuelta a bordo fue lo mejor del dia, todo un ejercicio de buceo. Si no ves lo que buscas, al menos es bueno entrenarse un poco.
Manana, Socorro. Great expectations.
Chus Barrientos.

1 reply on “Close enough to a wild dolphins to see it's beautiful eye and tiny spring of it's pupil – it's hazelnut redish in colour with a lot of kind of wrinkles – March 17, 2010”
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