So we sarted our pilot project to skip a scuba dive and go out in small groups in the morning to watch the humpback whales. It was an Success!! We managed to see whale in the water twice the first try and our training that we have got is giving results it made me excited! Something new to do at Socorro Island. All the guests I talked to said it was defenitely worth skipping a scuba dive for this. So we will go on.
We had so much whale at Punta Tosca (Socorro) that you did not know where to look. and the singing was so strong, That just laying in the water closing your eyes hold your breath and listening is a beautiful time of meditation and contemplation.
Punta Tosca was not giving easy on the other animals, we got manta both dive but viz was low all over. We tried to go up to Roca Oneil, but rthe swell was to big so in to Aquarium and a exploratary dive close by was not that bad guest named it for Area 51 after the place where aliens fly over Nevada , cause of its strange vulcanic topography.
At cabo pearce last day we had a beautiful day flat water and sunny, down under again,, hard to get the animals, we did get hammerhead sharks and a very curiouse silvertip shark in fullsize again coming in on a sharkwispering. And a giant manta ray, but not for long.
Interessting was to find barnacles from humpback whales laying on the bottom of Cabo Pierce, wonder if a whale either has scraped him self on the rock or maybe more possible lost them under a fight over a pretty girl humpback whale. The barnaclesare good 2 inches big and very heavy and are just like spikes on their pectoralfins that they use to fight with sometimes.
This trip was hard to get the big animals, vizibility was low, but the animals are there.
Dive guide Sten
Surface conditions: very little wind sunny and warm =30 C
Underwater conditions: A bit turbid water , but cleared up now and then 35-40 ft on the west side of Socorro. And 30-60 ft on the east side. Temp down to 74F 24 C
————— Guest Log ————–
Christy – The dive started with DM Pedro doing his patented manta dance at the bottom of the line. 15 minutes later, two giant mantas, one of which decided to hang around and visit. Very cool! Go Pedro! Now if he would just stop scaring the crap out of the snorkelers on the night snorkel with the silky sharks.
In general, I had expected to see more mantas, and have more pelagic interaction, and the visibility was not as good as expected. However, I did have some good dolphin dives and had my first dives with galapagos sharks. Of course this is not a zoo, it’s the wild, so I would love to come back to give it another shot. Lori
Ron – The most unique experience for me this trip was snorkeling with a humpback calf and the mother. That was an experience worth giving up a dive for, amazing.
Joe – My giant manta coincided with my first camera dive… stand still while I turn it on and set the profile!!! too close… back up a little… the second pass I was able to get some sweet shots.
Engineer Dusan – I was cleaning barnacles along the side of the ship with my snorkel gear, and Joe was with me watching. Suddenly Joe said to me, in a very calm voice, Dusan, do you know there is a shark underneath us? I looked down, saw the shark, and start to squeeze the screwdriver in my hand. I said, work’s over! I was glad to make it back to the boat, and all night for some reason I was dreaming about lions. Now everytime I go anywhere with Joe I will feel safe.