I had a great 2 days diving at Roca Partida with nice hot weather and warm water of 81 F and the visibility about 100 plus . The sighting of hammerhead ,silkys, galopogos sharks,silver tips, white tips,and manta just hang with us for the whole dive on some dives. When we are doing our safety stop it joined us as if the manta was doing a safety stop also .We had a dive that a pod of dolphin just swim around us and keep coming close to us as to say hello we are here to put off a show and the show began as they turn on there side and and showed us there belly I am am talking like 3 to 4 feet away from us, I counted about 10 doing the same I could not focus on one at all it was like I am doing my ballet what a great encounter . Well the time was up for us at Roca so we headed to Socorro to the sight Punta tusca where we had 5 big mantas just waiting for us and 20 dolphin were with us as we got in and stayed for the whole dive. We use our air so we just stay at the line, they followed us and did their safety stop with us. I did a 8 minute stop not because I was in deco it was cause I didn’t want to leave the excitement. Wow what a day. So for the last day we are going to Cabo Pierce to see what awaits us . We try to save the best for the last, lets do it !!!!!
DM Juan The Only One