Thank you Socorro! The second dive here at Punta Tosca started out shallow on the most beautiful reef I have seen, full of all kinds of colorful reef fish and big coral heads. Once we headed out a little deeper we encountered a school of hundreds of bicolor parrot fish, at first all I could see was a cloud of sand like something had stirred up the bottom. Then all of a sudden you could see all the parrot fish making sand! shortly after we encountered a beautiful black manta and it checked us out before cruising off to bring his chevron friend along to play for about 20 minutes. All the while the whale song was a great tune while watching the mantas. By the time we were ready to go up the manta did not want to leave us alone so we stayed an extra few minutes, just long enough to see a massive shadow in the distance! All of a sudden we saw a humpback whale swim by gracefully while coming up top the safety stop. It was so incredible to see such a massive animal on scuba! Time to go for the next dive to see what awaits under the crystal blue water.
Divemaster Casey, Nautilus Explorer