Whale Shark Sanctuary

Bahia de los Angeles BC, The Whale Shark sanctuary located in the middle of the desert of Baja California near Ensenada.

When we arrived at the bay, the local guide was waiting for us, and after leaving the NBA, we started to look for the big boys. It didn’t take too long to have the first encounter with one individual, a very young whale shark measuring 7 to 8 feet in length. It stayed quite curious around the guests, and after the first sighting, four more whale sharks came to the same area and stayed with us for a long time. Some of them remained in a static position, with their heads up and moving their tails very slowly to avoid sinking, giving the guests the perfect opportunity for snorkeling with the whale sharks for more than 3 hours until the sharks themselves got tired and hungry.

After a delightful lunch back at the NBA, the guests were excited to return for more action in the afternoon. To their delight, they spotted at least 10 whale sharks in the same area. The guests stayed in the water, eagerly waiting for the spotter’s directions to position themselves for the next encounter with a whale shark. Sometimes, two sharks appeared at once, while others gracefully crossed paths in various directions. Everyone had a lot of fun, and everyone was very happy to have come to Bahia de los Angeles to see these magnificent creatures—the big boys of the ocean.

– DM Mantarey on a Ultimate Whale Shark trip

By Nautilus Crew

Recent blogs and dive reports from the crew onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard's vessels.

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