Life is Good Diving in Socorro

Day one, I’m joined by 30 of our soon to be best friends from all over: Austria, Australia, Algeria, Denmark, Netherlands, France, Brazil, Sweden. Spain, England, Suriname, Canada, and of course, America.

My friend brought 12 of us together joining 20 new friends and now crew from even more countries: Mexico, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Spain, Netherlands, Argentina, Brazil. We are quite the international crowd, melting cultures together as we forge new friendships. We get to know each other on the ride out, orientation after video presentation after safety drill and more.

Then Day Three the diving begins. My husband sees a Tiger Shark. I know this is gonna be good. That was the check dive at Fondadero (the anchor) San Benedicto. It only gets better from there.

Next: the Boiler. It’s famous, and it does not disappoint. Mantas, hammerheads, dolphins, everything. We made sure not to sink with the dolphin that just wanted some loving. The oceanic mantas performed, dancing, both chevron and black, beautifully almost choregraphed for our enjoyment. The next day at The Canyon, we watched a wall of 50 hammerhead sharks go by. Today at Soccoro, at Point Pearce, our show was a bit more unpredictable. Still, we saw Hammerheads, Dolphins, and giant Oceanic Mantas. I played with an octopus. And still we saw sharks. Like the past three days, where in addition to hammerheads we spotted silkies, white tips, silvertips, dusky, Galapagos, and more than one Tiger.

The giant lobsters are there in force, everywhere. At Happy Hour now, we share our photos and our stories, and after dinner, we’ll sleep good again with four more dives tomorrow. Life is good!


By Nautilus Guests

Recent stories, comments, and news from our guests onboard the Nautilus vessels.

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