On our first dive, I counted at least 5 individual great white sharks circling us.. they got bolder as the afternoon pa ssed.. Guadalupe. September 29, 2012.

After a very pleasant 185 nautical mile (approx 330km) crossing from Ensenada, Mexico we arrived late last night to the shark lovers paradise island of Guadalupe. Shortly after arrival we had our cages in the calm waters of the sheltered north-east bay and were ready for action at first light this morning. On our first […]

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The great white sharks are so gracious in their ways and honestly, who is looking at who??? Guadalupe. September 25, 2012

This has been a great day for diving with the sharks ˆ especially for the first-timers!!  We have had at least 2 sharks circling the cages at each dive, mostly males.  However, on the third dive, we did have a female measuring about 5.5 metres long. The males are big too, measuring from just over […]

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To say the diving was good with the white sharks today would be wrong, it was exceptional. Guadalupe. Sept 18, 2012

Arrived back to Guadalupe Island last night at 1945 just as it was getting dark, dark. This morning we awoke to a glorius sunrise and clear skies all around the backside of Guadalupe at Shark Bay. To say the diving was good with the white sharks today would be wrong, it was exceptional. All day […]

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2 full great white shark breaches

It’s been all clear skies and sun for the first couple days into this Guadalupe Great White Shark expedition. We’ve had some great cage diving the past two days with 4 or 5 individual white sharks making appearances today and a couple that liked us enough to spend the entire day with us. We’ve also had two […]

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'Monster shark' bites great white in half near Stradbroke Island.

‘Monster shark’ bites great white in half near Stradbroke Island. A “MONSTER” great white shark measuring up to six metres long is prowling a popular beach after biting another great white almost in half. Swimmers were warned to stay out of the water off Stradbroke Island after the shark mauled another smaller great white which had […]

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Diving Farnsworth Bank and Catalina Island  –  California Channel Islands  –  and then onward to great white sharks – July 25, 2010 – Captain and guest blog

Our last California Channel Islands trip and our first Guadalupe white shark trip of this season were combined to form this 12 day expedition to explore the famous kelp forests off southern California and experience the rush of a close encounter with The apex predator of the oceans. Scheduled to begin this past Friday I […]

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