Diving and snorkeling in the bay.

Another great day in Socorro. We stayed in a bay to be protected from the strong wind. In that bay we got to snorkel and dive with whales and a calf twice and then some dolphins. Plus the mantas. Really an amazing day. –Nicolas

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100 schooling silvertip sharks at the Canyon, San Benedicto Island

They started the day out at the Canyon dive site at San Benedicto Island, and on the first dive, two guests took some fantastic images of an adult female humpback whale and her calf. Divers also saw five Silvertip sharks at the main cleaning station. One closed circuit rebreather diver had the fantastic good fortune of sighting something that none of us had ever seen before – a verified school of approximately 100 juvenile Silvertip sharks. Incredible!!

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NafNaf – the fearless baby silky shark

We all fell in love with a really tiny baby silky that had to be a newborn, and couldn’t have been more than 20″ in length – AT MOST! He was very, very cute and our guests promptly named him NafNaf. NafNaf was certainly a fearless shark, and he kept on getting in the way of the larger sharks to the point of snatching a piece of fish out of the mouth of one of the big guys! All of our hearts went out to him.

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