Ted: Roca Partida Roc(k)ed! Get it?! But really, where in the world can you dive seemingly in the middle of nowhere on a pinnicle 200 feet deep on a volcano 10,000 feet deep? Impressive, to say the least. Quite the little eco system down there too. My favorite was the Silvertip Sharks. They are beefy and they come close and they just seem so smooth in the water. Swimming beside them was quite a rush. Swimming beside the Hammerhead Sharks, the Silky Sharks, the Whitetip Sharks and the Galopagos Sharks wasn’t half bad either. The Revillagigedo Islands do not disappoint.
Jose: Ahhhh. the Nautilus Explorer. Good diving. Good food. Good crew. Good boat. Nah, scratch that. Not good. SUPERB!
Larry: Well first off: probably didn’t need to bring the drysuit! Haha. The water is pretty warm. I actually dove skin a couple times and was just fine. Sure beats the North Atlantic! You know what else beats the North Atlantic: ALL THE SHARKS: Whitetip Sharks, Silvertips Sharks, Galopagos Sharks and the mighty Scalloped Hammerhead. Roca Partida in the Socorro Islands was awesome. One of the best dives I ever did…even without all the life down there, diving on a rock like that with sheer walls dropping down into the abyss you could just feel the power of the Pacific Ocean all around. Nautilus Explorer: I’ll be back.
Susan: I know I should talk about the diving. Its all been incredible. But I want to say something about the boat itself because everyone else is talking about the diving (which I toally understand!!!) The Nautilus Explorer out did my highest expectations. The crew have been so attentive and professional since day one. Whether I was on the dive deck setting up gear where the divemasters were always quick to help me out if I needed it – I usually didn’t have to ask either – or being offered a constant assortment of food and drink from the stewardesses, I always felt very much taken care off. Its been an adventure…and you know what the best part is: Its not over yet! Today I have big plans to see Manta Rays. I think I’m the only person on the Nautilus Explorer this week that hasn’t seen one yet. How the heck does a Giant Manta elude a person. I mean they swim pretty slowly and the thing is 20 feet across! Ok, that is it. Today: Giant Manta Ray.
Alex: I saw a Whaleshark. That is all. I am complete.
Michelle: Its a really cool experience being here. The Revillagigedo Islands are just such remote, intense and primitive islands. I am well aware that not everyone gets to do this and I am so grateful. Especially since this is my 5th trip on the Nautilus Explorer.