Joey: Today was my first day diving in warm water. We jumped in and the water was very clean compared to the Northwest diving I am used to. I saw a few Clarion Angel fish right at the beginning which were beautiful. Then we swam over to where the the Hammerhead Sharks were. I only got to see about four of them; I heard others saw over 20 Hammerheads. As we sat there, one of the bigger Scalloped Hammerheads came up pretty close to where we were sitting. On the way back to the boat, two Giant Manta Rays came up over top of us. They were about ten feet away, directly above us. That was my dive. Things are looking good!
Tammie: The second dive of the day at the Boiler near San Benedicto Island brought my first Manta Ray sighting, and I’m still smiling. Truly beautiful and amazing creatures. The third dive of the day began with much drama for me. The sea was quite rough, and as I stepped off the boat my fin came off. Dan (divemaster extraordinaire) grabbed his mask and free dove down and caught it – totally amazing! After the hero of the day retrieved my fin the dive continued in the Canyon. A rather interested Mexican Hogfish actually swam right into my face – and then came back around for more. We found a lovely large Green Moray Eel. With the strong current and rain coming in, I think the Hammerhead Sharks and Whitetip Sharks and Giant Mantas had better places to be – but I’m sure they will be back tomorrow.
Lynn: 1st dive, went down the anchor line in a current, following divemaster Pedro. We slowly snuck up to a rim of rocks at the edge of the canyon and peered over. Hammerheads! One, no two, four, now six Hammerheads Sharks, circling around, OH MY! They got close! We watched until it was time to go up. 2nd dive, there was a large Manta Ray hovering over my head. If I don’t see another thing on this trip, I am happy. Hi Mom, and thank you!