Days like These…

Day 2:
Well I suppose you need days like these to remind you how nature can often throw a bit of a curve ball. The day started slow. Like really slow. By 1430 we had only spotted 2 sharks and they were only fleeting glimpses as they cruised past the stern of the boat to a destination unknown, obviously more important than our tasty looking tuna baits. As the day progressed, there were less and less guests around the dive deck, and even less getting into the water. It was amazing to think back 24 hours ago where there were four sharks hassling us most of the day, to now with almost nothing.
The day was looking kind of bleak until the extremely exaggerated “SHAAAAAAARRRRRRRRK!”, call came from all DMs on the deck. Within three minutes, both the surface cages were full and the submersibles were descending down to get a different point of view, as the shark attempted to chow down on our bite sized baits.
The shark turned up around three o’clock and was still cruising around as we lifted the cages up at six. I guess we all need days like today to remind us all how good the good days are and how lucky we are to even be able to see them in their natural environment.
It’s also good to remember that a bad day’s diving is always better than a good day at work.
– DM Sam Brakenridge, New Zealand

Day 3:
Last day at the awesome island home of the whites. We spent the day on the wrangling platforms getting our workout, as well throwing those yummy chunks of tuna to get the sharks on the surface.
It started slow, but the guests were ready on deck with many kinds of cameras, some ready with wetsuits making a line to get their chance to go inside the cages. Passing midday, the sharks started to swim next to the bait, the wranglers on both sides throwing and making splash sounds. The wranglers were sharp, but the shark got some speed and boom – bait gone. The guests were happily jumping into the cages to see this gorgeous shark.
What a last day, really memorable.
– DM Luis

By Nautilus Staff

Updates, exciting information and other news from the staff at Nautilus Liveaboards.

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