Some Socorro Highlights

📷 By the amazing Howard Hall

We are wrapping up another fantastic trip to this beautiful archipelago. The weather has not been the most cooperative this time but we were able to get in some amazing dives none the less. We started out the trip on the sheltered side of San Benedicto at the Canyon, with some nice shark action and a few nice manta encounters.

Even though the wind and waves were quite strong, we were able to make it to Roca Partida for one day of spectacular diving. Massive schools of fish including different species of jacks, tuna, Galapagos sharks, and the ever-present white tip reef sharks. Socorro island was a little slower with a few dolphin sightings at Cabo Pearce.

For the last two days of the trip we did the Boiler and got some of our best dives on the very last day of this adventure. The first dive of the day was incredible, as soon as we descended there was a large chevron manta, followed by some dolphins swimming around it. Then another very friendly manta was hypnotizing us with a beautiful show when all of a sudden the dolphins came back, sneaking up from behind and looking into our eyes from only a few feet away. Such amazing animal encounters remind me why I truly love these volcanic islands, so full of life. Can’t wait for the next dive!

–DM Casey

We had rough weather on this trip but also we had very enthusiastic guests from all over the world that were very attentive on our safety dive briefing and listening to instructions during the dive operation. We started diving at the usual dive site called the Canyon at San Benedicto island for a check-out dive. This is the first dive where you check your new gear and proper weight, especially if you are not familiar with this type of ocean (salinity, wetsuit, etc.). This place is amazing for chances to spot hammerhead sharks, but you can be surprised by dolphins too in your first morning dive as they feed on big eye jacks that get protection under the boat hull.

Silkies are around too, and that makes a spectacular aquarium in just a few feet of depth. With summer coming, the water temperature is 74 F to 76 F with some thermocline 69 F at 90ft below in some diving places. A wetsuit 5mm to 7mm is recommended because we dive in very remote area and sometimes you face strong current. We do have some rules to follow that we explain in our safety diving briefing. We do strongly recommend to bring a SMB (surface marker bouy, usually called “sausage” if you do not bring one, don’t worry we do provide you one for the period of the trip).

–DM Pedro

By Nautilus Staff

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