15 Dolphins!!

Sunny day with some cumulus, yesterday we did one more dive in cabo pearce, excellent dive with good manta action, around 5 friendly mantas were there, some spread hammerheads and a few silvertips and galapagos sharks. After the third dive, we moved to the navy base for the routine inspection, they take some time to answer but at the end everything was ok, inspection was conducted by VHF radio. We moved to punta tosca after the inspection but it was to late to do one more dive, some of the guests enjoyed the manta 101 presentation and one couple were to kayak in the bay. Today we are in roca partida, first dive today visibility around 15-18 mts, water temperature around 28°C, light current to the W, first dive full of sharks, silvertips and big galapagos everywhere, lots of jacks, school of bonitos, a few huge yellowfin tuna, one group could see one manta and two diver could see o pod of 15 bottle nose dolphins, Second dive visibility improved to 20-22 mts, water temperature around 29°C, no current on this dive, sharks still there, lots of silvertips, whitetips and galapagos all around the place, yellow fin tunas, wahoos, bonitos, and at the end during the safety stop one group could see one manta on the surface.

Noon report Gilberto, Oct 29, 2022 Nautilus Explorer

By Nautilus Crew

Recent blogs and dive reports from the crew onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard's vessels.

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