We came up at Cabo Pearce after our traditional navy inspection. Setting the anchor with a decending line for making it it easy for divers out on the lava finger that have been poured out from Socorro Islands Mount Everman. We dive it down for our scuba divers and move it to the place close the cleaning stations so we can maximize our bottom time and air as it is fairly deep. A bit of effort especially a day like today when it was what we say here a little bit “windy” underwater, but then the line makes it as well safe to hand by hand working your self slowly and safe and not getting swept away from the dive site.
I like Cabo Pearce cause if you don’t like current dive we can dive by the same lava flow that has a nice cheer wall and no current at all. It does not have as much pelagic life like the sharks and Tunas, but often mantas and I have seen diving humpback whales passing by the wall with a few ocations. Today we got the best result for us who dived the easy one. We dropped straigt on a manta at 60 ft she liked us direct and stayed with us and cirkeled us over and over again left and 5 minutes came back and in the end of the dive a second manta cirkeled us. During the whole dive we have moved a distance of 40 m no more. You can chase all over , but often it works best to take a good spot and sit and wait and see what comes. The rest of the day was a bit harder on the big animals. A few hammerheads sharks and passing mantas nice humpback whale songs. A few dolphins came in and had a look at us but not the once that we play with her, wonder where she is this dolpins that have been giving me a hug with her pectoral fins pulling me backward holding my fins… A Tiger shark passed over our heads in a quick pass, nice to see they are here and a few silvertips came in when we wispered them in.
On our Humpback whale trip we had both in water sighting some with beautiful film shots from some of our guests and above water close sights. But some times you need patience, but here some times it can be so many that you dont know wich whale group you will try to approach.
We had two good days at Punta Tosca and now looking forward to Roca Partida Diveguide Sten.
Surface conditions: 30 C calm seas cloudy with some sun.
Underwater conditions: viz was down to 40 ft temp 24-25 c 76 F Strong current out on the outside lava finger.
La danza de las mantas fue el dia de hoy acompanada por el dulce canto de las ballenas, Punta Tosca nos trajo un sonido de esperanza y dulzura de la naturaleza, un atardecer acompanado de fotos y experiencias compartidas, que mas se puede pedir….
Susana B.
Hoy en Punta Tosca, trabajamos haciendo los censos de peces en invetebrados acompanados de tres mantas, que transmitieron su tranquilidad e hicieron de nuestro trabajo un dia de relajacion, que convinado con el azul del oceano, nos dan mas ganas de seguir explorarando las bellezas del oceano, aunado a esto, tuvimos musica de fondo, el canto de las ballenas que te hacian sentir la vibracion circundante, haciendo mas placentero el dia…. trabajando en el oceano, disfrutando de las bellezas arrecifales, mantas, y cantos de ballenas, es un trabajo que muchos me han de estar envidiando, me encanta mi trabajo jejeje…
Arturo Bocos.
Today in our dive in Punta Tosca we had a very beautiful sunlight dance with a big manta playing with us for several minutes. We had then the opportunity to face humpback whales and dolphins, both mom and baby that came near us during our morning zodiac trip …
Well, today was the day we all came here for. All of the divers had multiple manta sightings, a few hammerhead shark sightings, whale songs all day and for the icing on the cake, in-water humpback whale encounters! We still have the night-time silky shark snorkel ahead of us. We’ll remain anchored in the same protected bay overnight and will hopefully do it all again tomorrow. In-between all of this diving we have been pampered by the crew of the Nautilus Explorer, non-stop. Fantastic meals and snacks after every dive. Every crew member onboard does their best to accomodate every guest’s wish. It’s going to be real hard to go back home after this!
John D.
First dive this morning was awesome. At the bottom of the line was our first manta waiting. As we made our way up the ridge we encountered a large male green turtle, before coming across two more mantas hovering above the ridge. Back near the ascent line a curious bottlenose dolphin cruised by taking a good look at us. Only a few minutes after that I looked up to see a big hammerhead slightly above us, weaving slowly back and forth at around 40ft, and only 30 feet in front of the hammerhead another manta was cruising along. On our safety stop two mantas hovered nearby, eyeing us up curiously. Lots of humpbacks around today too giving us some great topside views.