Life In A Fish Bowl Full Of Sharks –  divemaster and guest log –  Roca Partida, Socorro Island.   16 DEC 2010

1, 2, 3!!! Splash!!! As we descended along the wall at Roca Partida this morning, we knew it was going to be a great day of diving. The water was full of busy pink Creol Fish and Chromis surrounding the divers as if they were swimming in a fish bowl. Just below, the Black Jacks were pushing up the schools of bait fish as they hunted the unsuspecting little fish. Even the sharks were getting in on the fact moving action. Every time a Jack caught and ate a small fish, the Silver Tip Sharks would rush up from the depths very aggressively with their pectoral fins pointed straight down and sniff around the scene. It was a great show. On the other side of the rock, a group of divers were in the right place at the right time. A large school of Hammer Head Sharks appeared from the depths and swam right toward the divers. Staying in close to the rocks, the divers got a great view of one large (+8′) Hammerhead who swam right amongst the divers before heading around the rock toward one of the many cleaning stations. Another large shark, a Galapagoes measuring an easy 7′ also made quite a few divers really happy by swimming right over the tops of their heads. Talk about a sharky day!!!
Later in the day, we even had a friendly Manta Ray hang out with the divers for a couple of dives. To watch a Giant Manta swim right up to a diver and flair out it’s 20′ wing span is incredible. Looking into the eye of a Manta and knowing that it is looking right back at you is a special feeling. Roca Partida today was surrounded by life and each dive we made was spectacular. The sun was shining, the current was mild, and the viz was nice and clear. We are looking forward to watching the sun come behind the little castle that is Roca Partida and jumping into the water tomorrow once again.
Surface Conditions: Sunny, warm, slight breeze, calm sea conditions, 75 F.
Underwater Conditions: Water temp. 77F, mild current, mild surge, viz. 80-100′ slightly reduced due to dense schools of fish.
Your DiveMaster,
Jessie “Sharkchick” Harper
roca partida est reelement a la hauteur de sa reputation! une plongee ici, c’est 6 especes differentes de requins (marteau, soyeux, pointe blanche, corail, galapagos et sombre), des thons et des carangues par bancs entier, des murs couverts de murenes et de langoustes… (oh, et OUI: je veut bien dire tout ca en une seule plongee!). Des dauphins, une raie manta et un requin baleine ons egalement etes de la fete, tout ca en seulement 2 jours! les eaux de socorro sont d’une richesse incroyable , dirais que tout est plus grand et plus beau quand on plonge sur ce pic rocheux perdu au millieu de l’ocean. avant roca partida, on avais passe une journer a isla san benedicto, sans doute le meilleur endroit au monde pour nager avec les raies manta. celles de socorro sont immences et semblent vraiment adorer les plongeurs: elles viennent droit vers vous si pres que c’est nous qui devons faire attention a ne pas se faire bousculer! regarder une manta de 6m d’envirgure les yeux dans les yeux a 50cm de distance tandis qu’elle virvolte autour de vous est une inoubliable et il est impossible de decrire l’intensitee de ses yeux bleus(oui, je peux temoigner que les raies manta ons les yeux bleus!)qui semblent refleter votre propre curiositee et espieglerie.
j’ais du mal a croire que la croisiere n’en est qu’a la moitiee: j’ais deja vecu plus de rencontre inoubliables que dans toutes mes plongees jusque la! l’equipage est parfait, le nautilus irreprochable, les plongees inoubliables et les autres plongeurs tres amicaux tout comme lors de mon voyage a guadalupe en aout dernier. vraiment le voyage de plongee parfait sur tous les plans! merci en pqrticulier aux divemasters jessie et peter pour leurs gentillesse et leurs competence! demain , direction isla socorro… Pierre de paris
Excepcional dia de buceo.
Nuestro segundo dia en Roca Partida acabo con la visita inesperada de un tiburon ballena. Nos sorprendio a todo el grupo. Algunos tuvimos la oportunidad de presenciar como un tiburon lo golpeaba en la espalda (no sabemos si intentaba desparasitarse o fue un ataque).
Felipe de Sevilla.
Don Davies from Kelowna BC Canada. I’m sitting here on board the Nautilus Explorer sipping a glass of wine having just experienced the most amazing couple of dives I’ve ever experienced. In 2 dives I encountered a Giant Manta, a Whale Shark, and numerous other Sharks.To come face to face with these monsters of the deep is both magical and spiritual.I will never forget the experience!!

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