Dem besten Manta Platz!

Zum 2ten mal auf dem Nautilus Explorer habe ich mir dieses Jahr einen laengeren Trip ausgesucht mit 9 vollen Tauchtagen.

Daher hatten wir die moeglichkeit 2 ganze Tage am Tauchspot “Boiler” zu verbringen; dem besten Manta Platz! An beiden Tagen waren am Vormittag sogar Delfine dabei, man wusste gar nicht wo man hinschauen sollte.

Das absolute Highlight war aber gestern Nachmittag: 5 Riesenmantas zusammen haben den Boiler umzingelt und in naechster Naehe ueber, unter und neben uns ihre Piruetten gedreht! Unvergesslich!

Ich hoffe dass ich auch naechstes Jahr in diesem unglaublichen Gebiet abtauchen kann!

– Gabriela, Switzerland

On the almost last day of our trip I need to say something on the hospitality on board.

This includes, but is not limited to the food, which has been delicious and always has been too much. Today we have gotten steaks which have been cooked to the wishes of everybody. A decorated chef could not have made them better. Thank you very much for the daily treats we have received. They have made our trip the extra bit more enjoyable and have earned this to be said here.

This said, I do not forget the personal flair of all the services on board, with no single exception. I only have mentioned the kitchen, as everybody has enjoyed it several times per day and definitely will agree.

– Roland

By Nautilus Guests

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