This beats other night dives!

I have done many night dives, but the silky snorkel beat any night dives I’ve done. All too often, night dives end up as a search for something interesting. Much time can be spent before some highlight can be seen.

But the silky snorkel was completely different. The feeling of seeing many sharks on the surface, and sliding right into the action was amazing. No need to waiting for a highlight, you jump right into it. In 15 minutes, I must have had dozens of close passes by these graceful creatures. I felt like a kid at an amusement park. I was more than comfortable with them and now have a new appreciation for the silkies and their behaviour.

It was a highlight of the trip and my diving practice. I had so much fun, I went twice. I hope that Nautilus keeps this activity.

– Eric Toronto, Canada

We started the day at Punta Tosca with a beautiful view of the sunrise behind the everman volcano followed by a sunny warm day. On the first two dives at Punta Tosca we got to see lots of juvenile galapagos and silver tip sharks, it seems that this site is a nursery for this guys were they stay until they are big enough to go to Roca Partida. A big green turtle and a chevron manta were also spotted.

After that we went to Cabo Pearce where we hang out by the cleaning station watching all the fish hover on the current while a manta cruised by. We finished the day with an amazing night snorkel with silky sharks and flying fish right at the back of the boat.

Definitely another wonderful day at the Revillagigedo archipelago.

– Divemaster Thiago Mendonca

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