Magical Mantas at The Boiler

On our second day, we got a great opportunity to dive at The Boiler. First thing we saw was a small school of dolphins getting cleaned. What a beginning! And on it went: a busy manta passed by our group.

And then the fun began: a few dolphins came really close to say hello, followed by a manta which stayed around for the rest of the dive. Probably, it was a she and she fell in love with Juan who bubbled her belly?? The second dive even brought some more mantas at a time. They loved to stay around and play with us.

For me, these encounters are always a wonderful gift from the ocean. The day concluded with some hammerhead shark sightings – what a way to spend a vacation!

– Nadja and Sandy, Switzerland

Today at El Boiler we had hawksbill turtles, dolphins, mantas, silvertip sharks, galapagos sharks. On our last dive of the day something magical happened.

The chevron manta that was checking at us during the last 20 minutes on the dive, came to say goodbye when we left the reef to do our safety stop, visited every diver, waited until we finished our safety stop and then ascend to one meter from the surface and disappeared in the distance.

What a way to finish our diving day!

– Divemaster Ari

black manta ray fills the entire photo with smaller fish in tow

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