The Juvenile Whale Shark

Today we spent our time at Punta Tosca, West side of Socorro Island.

On this site during this years working as a guide, sometimes, we got to see tiger sharks little more special than the others.
Her size (female) is very notable, she is huge! when you sight her you get the adrenaline running to see such a big creature.
Anyway, it is not a common sight, she doesn’t like t be seen too often, but today.. she was all over!
3 of 4 dives we spotted her, in my only dive of the day, I got to see the named “Gorda” (with love) 3 times!
If u see the silhouette above you u might actually think is a juvenile whale shark!
On top of that, yellowfin tuna in closed schools, hammerheads, mantas, and dolphins..
big day at Tosca!!

  • Rey, on a trip to Socorro Island, onboard Nautilus UnderSea

By Nautilus Crew

Recent blogs and dive reports from the crew onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard's vessels.

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