Noon report from Captain Gordon, on site at Clipperton Atoll on the Nautilus Explorer-

Wind is up a bit today so we’re diving along the leeward reef. What we call “The Nursery”. Two dives so far and it’s been good. Lots of juvenile sharks, silver tips and galapagos. Very fishy also. One guest just came up from his dive and said it’s one of the best dives he’s ever […]

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Our last day at Clipperton Atoll – what an amazing experience.

April 26th 2013 Yesterday was our last day on Clipperton Atoll. It was a once in a lifetime experience that will never be forgotten. We had the opportunity to go ashore which was quite the experience. The island is quite inhospitable but unique in it’s own way. The Booby birds were were in all stages […]

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apr 26 – Aggressive moray eels that actually slither out of the water to attack land crabs on Clipperton Island!! And bite our divers! It is an amazing privilege to be granted permission by the Republic of France to take our guests ashore at Clipperton Atoll – a true desert island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.  Hundreds of thousands of masked, brown, and red footed boobies litter the shores, with literally millions of bright orange land […]

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Looking back on our first voyage to Clipperton Atoll

In 2007 we embarked on our first great adventure steaming out to deserted Clipperton Island.  Just over 2 miles in diameter, this sandy coral atoll surrounding a tropical lagoon is truly the stuff of legends dating back to the days of the manila galleons being preyed on by the english pirate John Clipperton who hid […]

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Loads of fish at Clipperton Atoll

Shark life was evident almost immediately with several juvenile silver tips cruising around under the boat and checking out the divers. Green and fine-spotted morays roamed the reef bottom, free swimming and often following divers. One diver reported a large hammerhead shark, and I saw an adult silky shark cruising the blue as well. Lots of leather bass, moorish idols, butterfly fish, the endemic Clipperton Atoll angelfish, damsel fish, sergeant majors, blue and gold snapper, trevally jacks, black triggers, goldrim surgeonfish, among others completed the beautiful reef scene.

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open ocean swim and found a floating coconut protecting 3 very pretty fish.

We awoke to a beautiful morning on the water today, the barest hint of a breeze and a long, slow, rolling swell out of the south. Currently north by west of Clipperton Atoll, approximately 3500m (11600ft) of water under the hull and it’s time for a swim. Main engines on the Nautilus Explorer are off, […]

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photo of the week

Schooling hammerhead sharks ho hum right?? Well not exactly. While we have been seeing a lot of hammerheads around Socorro and San Benedicto Islands, I always find it exciting to see these quiet shy critters. And I find the science behind their behaviour quite fascinating with great thanks to Dr. Peter Klimley at the University […]

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